Holo pet
Recently browsing through the app store, I have been noticing a fair number of virtual pet apps - like "my taking dogs" or "my taking toms". The reason why these apps are popular is simple: kids love how they work and adults have already had something similar when they were young, thus making it a pleasure to take a stroll down memory lane.

A New Beginning
With Nuxt, Nuxt Content, Tailwind CSS and a sprinkle of my own code, I've managed to check all of the requirement boxes. Of course there is still room for improvement, but for now it allows me to continue blogging about my maker journey.

Adding analytics to your Nuxt site
It's good to have the means to know the site traffic and where people spend time. Having that information in an easy-to-digest format is a bonus!

Contact Form: Sendgrid & Netlify Functions
Let's look at setting up a contact form in a serverless architecture.

Generating RSS feed
One of my requirements was to have an RSS feed. Because most of the personal bloggers I subscribe to have one, and that's how I get to know when they post something new!

Building with Nuxt and Tailwind
Nuxt comes with lots of great features out of the box, and we’re also gonna be using TailwindCSS to style our blog and make it look 🔥

Webhosting - going static with Netlify
Discovering the beauty of static web hosting! With Netlify.

Time for a change
Moving into another lockdown - time to build new stuff. This time it's the website!

Bringing 3D to Zoom (Teleconference)
A Cross Reality Teleconference Bridge to Incorporate 3D Interactivity to 2D Teleconferencing

Volumetric Training
Volumetric visual cue enhanced spatial perception in the tested MR training tasks, exhibiting increased co-presence and system usability while reducing mental workload and frustration.

How to get a motorcycle for free?
This is a dummy post and will be removed soon :D

First Contact : XR for Good
An art installation that uses various modes of Extended Reality (XR) to support social engagement and generate connections with a view to reversing processes of societal atomisation and intercultural discomfort (racism).

Leveraging cognitive synchronization to create a collaborative music production experience with immersive visualization in virtual reality.

Comparisons between Real and Virtual Environments using Hyperscanning

Hybrid Office
What are the functional, programmatic and technical parameters for a home office that allows for remote collaboration by applying architectural cross reality design principles?

Remote Collaboration - Spatial Audio
The effects of spatial auditory and visual cues on mixed reality remote collaboration

Wearable Remote Fusion
Realtime remote collaboration system.

Engraved Acrylic LED Light accessory
Scavenging spare components from the MagicMirror project to build something cool!

Integrating speakers into a Motorcycle Helmet
Bringing the music inside the helmet.

Final Touches
We have come a long way, and the Mirror is finally ready! This has been a very interesting project!

First Car
Moving onto bigger projects - the freedom of having four wheels.

Building the Hardware
After getting the software side of things up and running, it is time to build the hardware—the cost-efficient way.

Creating Custom Modules
Time to make my specific requirements a reality. Let's write some custom modules.

Idea and Inspiration
I spent the latter part of 2016 on bed rest due to an ACL replacement surgery. Out of sheer boredom, I decided to do something new. Days of scrolling through DIY projects on Pinterest, I was convinced to get started on a project that somewhat resembled "Augmented Reality" in a mirror.

Ambilight, short for "ambient lighting", is originally a lighting system for televisions developed by Philips, however today it is used in reference to all types and brands of ambient lighting in the context where lighting is utilized to complement the light coming from your main display.

Building a Shelf - instead of cleaning my table.
The table is always a mess - with electronics stuff. Tidying up is not fun. So, Instead - I built a shelf.

Join me in my adventure
When I was 5 years old, my father bought me an electronics starter kit and taught me how to play with LEDs and stepper motors. I was hooked. Electronics was my future. At least I thought it was. Because 10 years later I met my next love: computers.